Thursday, November 19, 2009

Vampire troubles? Sweep it.

Every once in a while you will find yourself surrounded by a certain deck. A deck that everyone and their brother is playing. In my area this deck is the oh-so trendy ‘vampire’ deck. Only 4 people do not play vampires on a regular basis and my area has 30+ magic players. f2_1hmy4gm2g7The 4 decks that are not vampires are also all mine (Generally a form of ramp + aggro), Jund, W/R/B control, and WW.I wonder how many of them watch twilight too… but as you can probably tell by now, my current meta is very creature heavy.

That’s where Turbo Wrath comes in. The idea is play a ton of board sweepers, and beat them with some resilient creatures. The deck has 15 board sweepers, each nastier then the next. After playing vampire decks for over a month there are many times I would have killed for a Pyroclasm. Since many of my sweepers kill through damage I added some tough creatures that can power right through them. As you read it, remember that this deck is not entirely done yet. However, I am going to go over the concepts behind it and give a full list next week with play results from a Standard tournament. Here is a very rough list of cards that I want in the deck;

The Deck

As you can see this deck pacts some heavy stuff. The creatures are tough, and the removal is plenty. In this deck you will generally want to mulligan until you have a howling mine(within reason of course). Once you have a mine just draw and play. Baneslayers are a big hitter, and while you don't need them the lifegain will help against aggro decks and the 5 damage a turn can finish a game quickly. I like to think of Felidar Sovereign as a mini Baneslayer, with vigilance, lifelink and at 4/6 he is almost as big of a threat when he hits the field, whereas Iona is the perfect finisher against mono decks (AKA Vampires).

EarthquakeAjani is one of the few planeswalkers I actually like. He is fantastic against control and alright against medium speed decks. Howling mine is the corner stone of this deck and a must for the card draw. Now this deck has one really big weakness Eldrazi Monument, so i tossed in a Oblivion Ring to deal with that. The mass removal is all fantastic Day of Judgment, Pyroclasm, Volcanic Fallout, and my favorite Earthquake. Earthquake is one of the most underrated cards ever, its a bomb in all the limited formats as well as standard.

Luminarch Ascension is a bomb in this kind of deck I mean you only need to stall for 4 turns before they are overwhelmed with angels, and I love the artwork.LuminarchAscension The cards in here I will take out are probably Eldrazi Monument, Path to exile, and Pyromancer Ascension. I might add Font of Mythos, or some more mass removal, but i won’t know for sure until i know it does at the competitive scene. As far as the Sideboard goes I will need to deal with control decks with a fair amount of removal, here I might add Indestructibility, and 2 more Ajani's (I need to get a hold of them first), Pithing Needle to deal with planeswalker control, Devout lightcaster and Celestial purge might also make the list. Feel free to proxy it up and tell me what you think.

Till next week,


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